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Archives for January 2007
American Idol is all done.
Ian Bernaro represents everything in the world that is wrong with “American Idol.”
The show has become nothing more than a soapbox for people who cannot sing and have no talent to speak of who simply want to get a few seconds in front of the television cameras. Fox has succumbed, again, to entertainment on the same level as an ant on the food chain.
Between Barnaro, who has now been given 30 minutes of fame (he pulled the same act on “So You Think you can Dance,” and the crybaby, “my daddy doesn’t love me” girl who came immediately next, this is the most pointless drivel I have ever seen. The show comes off as scripted (if it isn’t already) and if Simon Cowell is serious about the music industry, he will end this trash immediately. Though for X million dollars per year, I can’t necessarily blame him.
Sarah Burgess, the “crybaby,” got a pass to Hollywood and a 10 minute feature on the show for telling the producers that she skipped school and didn’t tell her parents she was trying out for “Idol,” because her father didn’t believe in or support her.
So they cut to a scene where she calls dear old dad to confess the truth that she tried out for the show and made it past the first round. Dad, in an uncharacteristic way if you ask crybaby, was giddy and excited and immediately congratulated his daughter, telling Seacrest that all that mattered was that his daughter was safe.
I hope she wins this competition so I can call her crybaby for her entire career, because the only reason why she was given the chance to appear before Simon and company was due to the entertainment value that her sob story added in the eyes of the Fox producers.
Then came the three time loser, a girl who’s been to Hollywood twice already and failed–but, if nothing else, she’s actually taken the competition serious–and Fox used this as an opportunity to make fun of her and cued soap opera music.
There are people out there with real talent–some of them even appeared on the show–and none of them should be happy about this season of “American Idol.”
Bottom line, the “losers” were funny until they started faking it just to get famous outside of the show. I personally do not want to see it anymore. Show talent, judge talent and put the freaks in the circus where they very obviously want to be.
Oscars announced
Not a lot of surprises, but Mark Wahlberg received the nomination for supporting actor over Jack Nicholson. Matt Damon was not nominated. Leonardo DiCaprio was nominated for his role in “Blood Diamond.” He had previously been nominated for two Golden Globes, including his role in “The Departed,” but you can only be nominated once per category in the Oscars.
“Dreamgirls” was nominated for eight Academy Awards, but not Best Picture.
UPS commercial
Does anyone else find it odd (or intriguing from a PR perspective)n that the new UPS commercials use music by a band called “The Postal Service?”